."The womb of mankind" For thousands of years the femine sought out thier spiritual and physical healing through embracing the mysterious and bountiful gifts of earth and ethers. This formulation offers the femine herbal wisdom passed down through centuries, concerning specific herbs and their attributes. Balancing hormones, alleviating urinary tract afflictions, renewed blood by deep natural nutrition , making gracefull the motion of bodily fluids, calming the mind, easing the many complaints of the femine. Naturally raising the beautiful spirit of woman.
Feminine Devine
"The womb of mankind"
For thousands of years the femine sought out thier spiritual and physical healing through embracing the mysterious and bountiful gifts of earth and ethers. This formulation offers the femine herbal wisdom passed down through centuries, concerning specific herbs and their attributes. Balancing hormones, alleviating urinary tract afflictions, renewed blood by deep natural nutrition , making gracefull the motion of bodily fluids, calming the mind, easing the many complaints of the femine. Naturally raising the beautiful spirit of woman.